Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rained Down In North Carolina

Well as can assume my dad was mistaken and a log shot of the conveyor belt and hit him right in the back of the head, but since my dad is a stubborn mule he fought of his headache lack of vision in his left eye and random hot and cold sweats until he delivered my bike. Luckily my mother talked him into going to the hospital because and i quote "Doesn't he know that's how Liam Neeson's wife died!!". So after a long wait and some xrays there was no brain bleeding just gonna feel crappy for three weeks. So we woke up at 7:30 to a really wet battleboro so my dad helped me unload my bike and he and my unlce headed for home, and i went right back to bed. We decided to stay in Battleboro for the night in hopes it drys up tomorrow because i didn't want to jump on an unfamiliar highway with a speed limit of 70 miles an hour and wet roads. So instead we went to a nice lunch at chilis (courtesy of  Mr and mrs barbs) got a little lost trying to find the hotel and eventually used the gps to get back and have since been laying around the hotel watching basic cable and drinking juice boxes. All though it was a pretty good day i cant wait till tomorrow.....

Rainy Day At The Hojo

Mary And I Passed This Place And Just Couldnt Help But Stop And Take Some Pics
It Was Like A Shack Compound With No Residents

Stay Tuned.