Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Adventures in duncan

I'm a little late posting this due to the fact we have been doing either a lot of resting or spending time with bobby and the family before they left for florida. So we stopped at this great little desert town called Duncan which was the first town after the arizona border when you're traveling on us-70. We originally had stopped for gas but we ran into a problem when we found out the only two gas stations in town only sold 87 grade gas and my spoiled dyna needs 91 or better. So we began to head out and crossed our fingers for another gas station close but on our way out of town we passed an eye grabbing store called Germaine feeds emporium. I've always felt that the term emporium was somewhat of a bold statement hard to live up to but Germaine's had no problem living up to that hype. When we first decided to go take a look inside we had no idea what to expect but once we got there we needed to set a strict time limit because we knew we would have no problem spending a whole day there. Germaines was filled with basically anything old and collectible and interesting. They have tons of cool old glassware, a gun store advertisements, tin signs, toys, a porcelain doll section (which I lack pictures of because let's be honest they are creepy) and so much more we probably don't even know about yet. Some of my fondest and most vivid childhood memories involve being around the family owned auction weather it was in the company of grandfather or my parents. I'm sure you can imagine my excitement when I was lucky enough to find a girlfriend who has the same appreciation for old things. So between her love of old things and mine needless to say we exceeded both our time limit and our budget but I would say it was well worth it. Personally my favorite part was the owners Quinton and Carol. You could tell they really loved what they did, it felt like they wanted to hear our story just as much as they wanted to tell a few of their own. We weren't there more then ten minutes and quinton approached us and started a pretty pleasant conversation and he seemed interested in my responses and what I had to say. As we spent more time there I let mary go search crazy while I mostly had some genuine conversation with quinton. As it turns out we had common ground not only did he ride and love it, but he also told some great stories (and even showed me some pictures) of his father who was a fighter pilot and a flat track racer back in the day. His wife carol was just as pleasant and they both had a great sense of humor. Before we left they gave us some cold sodas for the road. All in all I can't wait to go back for a visit because the thing that made it even better was the great after. Ill have to take the rest of the bastards there to visit. Either way I can't wait to go back and visit
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