Saturday, January 15, 2011

Stay with a viking live like a king

On our way out of florida we decided to stop in palm coast and visit with our friends odin, jesse and meghan and their sweet ass house. Now before I tell of our awesome visit I gotta tell a story about the kinda of friend odin is. Over the summer I had a very love hate relationship with my sportster. After months of having her in the shop I thought she was running great. After almost a thousand great miles the rod some how comes loose from the piston. Once I swallowed my heart after hearing the horrible noise it was making I pulled over in the nearest gas station and started calling anyone I knew with a truck. After many calls including my father I couldn't get ahold of anyone. I decided to call odin and luckily he picked up. Unfortunately due to crappy cell phone service "my bike broke down I need help" sounded more like "my bike went down I need help". Odin was busy at the time working as he always does. Instead of telling me he couldn't help me, he got off the roof he was working on and went to his mothers house and asked her to come get me. His mother then borrowed her neighbors truck and her and her boyfriend came to my rescue. This guy knows how to be there for his friends and staying with him was just more evidence of that. The first night we got there they were making an amazing pork roast the fell apart to the touch, which after a long cold day on the bike was a great welcome to say the least. Not only did we eat family style home cooking each night we also slept on an air mattress more comfortable then some real beds I've slept on. I almost forgot about the cookies jesse made after each meal! Nothing like homemade chocolate cookies. All in all it was the best couple of nights we've had the whole trip. We were able to catch up with old friends and even make a new one. We can't wait to return the favor. I'm sorry to meghan. And drew for the lack of pictures of them I'm a slacker
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