Friday, April 15, 2011

Start of a Great Season

So I missed the first good day to go riding. Big deal. It snowed two days later anyway. Barbs bike got covered and we all got a good laugh. This last weekend was an even better weekend if you ask me. Was able to drag my ass out of bed around ten in the morning. Not so bad for a guy who doesn't wake up till 1 o'clock most days.
Got to the folks place around eleven. Just in case you're wondering, the folks place is where our beasts were hibernating for the Winter. Once they were fired up Matty J, the Old Man, and myself of course headed down to the closest gas station to fuel up and other minor tune ups before we hit the open road. Right now is where I say "Fuck Yeah!" I love filling my tank for only eight bucks. Going so far for so little kicks major ass.
Back roads are great for a mid sixty weather kind of day. But nothing beats jumping on the highway and giving it all she's got. If that doesn't get blood flowing than you are one emotionally inhibited person. Matty J got his first bit of highway that weekend. Wasn't much, but I'm sure he enjoyed it.
First pit stop was at smoke shop slash gas station. And yes, I wrote slash instead of using the actual slash. Picked up some cigars and we were about to go and got a call from another Bastard. Pete said Josh was around and wanted to hit up McCabes for some pool and hanging out. We mounted up and were soon on our way. It was a slow afternoon, with a couple of locals at the bar and our two friends at the pool table. A nice little topper that afternoon was that Pete and I were able to get a free game that afternoon. After a couple of games with the guys, Matty J and the Old Man had to hit the road.
I stuck around with Pete, Josh, and now Eric had joined use. We decided to go to the park and knock around some golf balls. After that short lived fun, I hope back on my lady and went back to the folks place. Had to pick up my bike cover. Rain was in the upcoming future and rust is not an option on my baby. I got to the folks place and the Old Man was working on his bike. His hazards shorted out. He was trying like a son of a bitch to fix it. He must of been working on it for at least an hour trying to get it. He was so proud that he didn't give up, he called me after I left to inform me he got it working. Way to go Old Man.
That was a good day. And to top the whole thing off, my mustache stayed in peak condition all day. Even hitting 70 plus mile an hour this bad boy didn't move. Fuck yeah! The picks up top are the Old Man, Matty J, and myself. The second one is of yours truly, Drew Stache lighting up a stogy. Enjoy everyone.